and the following select quotes:
from p78 on how an unbeliever can never worship from pure motives
from p78 on how an unbeliever can never worship from pure motives
from p81 on how the only way to sanctify God's name in worship is by the power of the Spirit and union with Christ
from p84 on how the only right worship is worship that comes from truly regenerate affections
from p86 on how a true apprehension of God's glory is what produces true zeal in worship
from p89 on how worship must be done chiefly from a genuine desire that God would be honored, not any other reason
from p92 on how worshiping from a desire for God's honor means that we will love even that right worship from which we perceive no benefit to ourselves
from p96 on how the one who truly fears God will fear Him most when closest to Him in worship
from p97 on the greatness of the vileness of allowing ourselves to be distracted in worship
from p99 on how the best way to resist distractions in worship is to stir up fervor toward the Lord Himself
from p100 on the necessity of giving all of one's strength to God's worship
from p102 on the complete impropriety of ever being impressed with our worship
from p104 on how right worship is not only worship that is only according to God's Word in Scripture, but also only that worship that is done in and through us by God's Spirit
from p106 on how worship that is done merely out of a sense of duty cannot genuinely gladden the heart
from p108 on how right worship is only that worship that is done in union with Christ and offered by Him to God on our behalf